gleaning bits

Jun 23, 2008 11:01

Passed on to me by new puppet friend Jason. I'll be subbing in his new show "Little Bugs Big World" for a few days in early July. These guys look like a dream to manipulate, plus super fun to watch. Oof! I wish they were just a little closer.,GGLJ:2006-51,GGLJ:en&q=bumpity+portland I've never heard of Bumpity before, but with such a catchy 70s theme song, wish I'd seen it. Possible I did, as an infant. Not much footage exists; mostly taped off TV. Smacks of early Puppet Productions ministry materials and is quite Krofftish to boot. I hear the technique is fairly poor; all I care about is kitsch factor.

AlexSandra posted a song, Little Boxes by Malvina Reynolds. Love it, and her voice.

She also wrote "Morningtown Ride" - I've listened to that since a little girl, on a Sesame Street record.

I'm spending a lot of time on my feet lately and the side of my heel has been swelling again. When I was 18 the bone actually grew into a big knob, which they had to surgically cut off. I hope it's not growing back. I wonder if my physical therapist could help again; she performed a minor miracle with my hip problem. There are these calcium/mineral supplements, too... what to do?
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