Jimmy Rocket Goes To Space Camp

May 08, 2004 16:30

today and yesterday was grand. i already explained everything about friday in school. so thats out of the way. after school i went home with roger, so we could pack up all of our band equipment and head off to faquier to jeffs house. so we do that and head off. and on the way up we i took some interesting pictures of random things. which ill show later. ummm. then we set up and played music. beautiful music. my amp hasnt died yet and that is a good thing. then we went up to jeffs room and played RBI Baseball for Nintendo. the original nintendo. its the greatest baseball game EVER!then we went downstairs to find food. there was none. so jeffs mom ordered us pizza. but we had to go get it. so we hop in jeffs civic and take off. we get to the pizza place and the sky looked pretty so i took more pictures. im so emo. then we got back in ther car and drove home. i tried to take a picture of a half dead rose bush surrounded by other dead plants and caged in by a barbed wire cage type thing. but the lighting sucked since it was getting dark. then we ate pizza and order the texas chainsaw massacre on pay=per-view. despite heidi's warnings that it was a stupid movie. we decided to rent it anyway to see for ourselves. heidi has never been more right. man. that was the dumbest movie ever. and it was scary to me because im a wuss with things like that. so i had my hands over my eyes most of the time. it was pathetic. then went to bed. kinda. we played more baseball. to take our minds off of the movie. roger and i were pussies. and wouldnt go anywhere alone. we were afraid letherface would get us. plus jeffs lives out int he country. so that didnt help. and jeffs dad owns a chainsaw, which is kept in the basement. so that didnt help either. but we finally go to bed. woke up early. ate ceral and played more music. we wrote another song. called "jimmy rocket goes to space camp" it as nothing to do with a guy named jimmy or space camp. it just seemed liek something cool to call the song. its a very fast song. and semi-angry kinda. i dunno. it doesnt really sound like stuff we write. but all of our songs sound different anyway. we have a show soon. May 21st. at clubeast coast. with a couple other hardcore bands. were going to get boo-ed because we dont scream. o well. at least were different. ummm. vegas never showed up to practice. he barley knows any songs. he knows like 3 out of the 8 or 9. i dont think hes gonna be much use to us for the show. but we have next week to teach him. so he might surprise us. lets see. im trying to find something to do tonight. i got ungrounded for now because my grades are swell. but i have no friends. so this sucks. dammit. if worse comes to worst ill just go to toys r us on my own. but it will be really boring. o well.

ok. now. picture time.

everyone is entittled to a safe ride.

drinking and driving is fuuun:) [ reeaaalll safe.]


closer cow.

lots. of. cows.

random sign.


more sky.

it was a good time.

~*the end*~
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