Feb 15, 2005 17:31
Why hasn't my pixies album turned up yet?
We've got to look for a house this week. I'm well gutted Cate's not living with us next year..I miss her even when she's gone for a few days, it's shit.
I finally found Dazed and Confused today in some newsagent at the other end of farnham, I've been looking for it for ages because WHSmith only has it now and then, so I went in and subscribed to it. Then got back and Will'd found it in this other place. Bollocks.
Mum keeps sending me random little texts like 'ha ha postman pat is blind, he delivered my new visa card next door and they opened it'. She also tells me what the cat is doing when I ring her and she runs out of things to say.. 'the cat's licking her feet, now she's scratching, now she's looking at me..' I think it's strange.. but kinda sweet in a way too. I wonder if I'll turn into my mum.