Layout: Learn To Fly

Sep 06, 2008 10:10

[Full Preview with clickable links]


Layout Name:
Learn To Fly

Account Types:
Basic, Plus, or Paid

Layout Style:
S2 Smooth Sailing

Tested In:
Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP

Screen Resolutions:
1027x768 and up

Full Preview with clickable links:


Go to Customize Journal...

Select a New Theme:
• Type Smooth Sailing into the search box. Choose one of the themes that appear below (any theme) and hit "apply theme".
• Add a journal title and subtitle.

Choose a Page Setup
• Choose "2 Column (sidebar on left)". Hit the "Customize Selected Theme" button.

Choose "Display" from the menu on the left:
• Choose how many journal entries to show on your recent entries and friends pages.

• Set "Wrap entry text under userinfo" to No.

Choose "Entry Text" from the menu on the left:
• Choose what text you want for currents, comment links, etc. You can change any links you want in this section.

Choose "Menu" from the menu on the left:
• Choose what text you want for navigation links (recent entries, friends, etc.) You can change any links you want in this section.

Choose "Sidebar" from the menu on the left:
• Choose which boxes you want to be visible (Latest Month, Links, Tags, Summary, etc)

• You may change the order of the boxes, but don't change the overall position of the sidebar.

Choose "Custom CSS" from the menu on the left:
• Use layout stylesheet: No.

• Use layout stylesheet when including custom external stylesheet: No.

• Custom external stylesheet URL: (Leave blank).

• Custom stylesheet: Copy-and-Paste the code below.


/* PAGE */
/* Layout by */

body {
font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
margin: 0px;
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #878787;
background-image: url('');
a, a:visited {
color: #a788b7;
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a:hover {
color: #878787;

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margin: 0 auto;
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display: none;

/* HEADER */

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text-align: center;
background: url( top right repeat-x;
padding: 20px;

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font-family: Georgia;
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: lowercase;
letter-spacing: 5px;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 30px 20px 30px 20px;
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display: none;
.header-icon {
display: none;
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padding: 10px;
margin-bottom: 30px;
background-color: transparent;
font-family: Georgia;
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: lowercase;
border: none;
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background-color: transparent;
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border: none;

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/* BODY */

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color: #878787;
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display: none;
.body-midtitle {
display: none;

.entryHolder {
color: #878787;
background-color: #ffffff;
font-family: ;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 140%;
border-top: none;
border-left: 5px solid #69069c;
margin: 5px 0px 20px 0px;
.entryUserinfo {
text-align: center;
margin: 10px;
background-color: transparent;
.entryUserinfo-usericon img {
border: 0;
.entryText {
padding: 10px;
blockquote {
border: 2px solid #b6facd;
padding: 10px;
.entryHeader {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #69069c;
font-family: georgia;
letter-spacing: 2px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 24px;
text-transform: lowercase;
padding: 4px 2px 4px 2px;
text-align: left;
.entryHeader a{
color: #69069c;
.entryHeaderSubject {
font-weight: bold;
font-family: ;
letter-spacing: 2px;
.entryHeaderDate a {
color : #878787;
text-decoration : none;
.entryHeaderDate a:hover {
color : #878787;
text-decoration : underline;
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padding-top: 10px;
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display: block;
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padding-right: 10px;
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font-weight: bold;
padding-right: 4px;
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font-size: 10px;
color: #5e9eec;
text-align: center;
padding: 16px 0px 12px 0px;
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margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
.entryLinkbar li {
padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
margin: 0px;
display: inline;


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color: #a788b7;
text-decoration: none;
#footer-menu a:hover {
color: #878787;


.sidebar {
font-family: ;
font-size: 11px;
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margin-right: 15px;
width: 215px;
margin: 5px 15px 0px 0px;
.sidebar a {
color: #6375bc;
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color: #878787;
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padding: 2px;
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color: #06259c;
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font-family: Georgia;
letter-spacing: 2px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: lowercase;
font-size: 24px;
padding: 4px 2px 4px 2px;
text-align: left;
.sideboxContent {
text-align: left;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
.sidebox #profile, .sidebox #latestmonth, .sidebox #search {
text-align: center;
.sidebox #freetext {
text-align: justify;
padding: 10px;
.sidebox #tags_sidebox {
text-align: center;
.sidebox #systemlinks {
text-align: left;
margin: 10px;
.listitem a {
list-style-type: square;
margin: 4px 4px 4px 8px;
display: list-item;
.listitem a:hover {
list-style-type: square;
margin: 4px 4px 4px 8px;
display: list-item;
.sidebox #latestmonth table{
width: 90%;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 4px;
#latestmonth td {
padding: 2px;
background-color: #ffffff;
.listtitle {
font-weight: bold;
.profile-label {
font-weight: bold;



.commentHolder {
color: #878787;
background-color: #ffffff;
border-top: none;
border-left: 5px solid #69069c;
font-family: Georgia;
font-size: 11px;
margin: 4px 0px 4px 0px;
.commentUserinfo {
text-align: center;
margin: 10px;

background-color: transparent;
.commentUserinfo-usericon img {
border: 0;
.commentText {
padding: 6px;
.commentHeader {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #69069c;
font-family: ;
letter-spacing: 2px;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 18px;
text-transform: lowercase;
padding: 4px 2px 4px 2px;
text-align: left;
.commentHeader a{
color: #5e9eec;
.commentHeaderScreened {
font-family: ;
font-size: 10px;
background-color: #555555;
.commentHeaderSubject {
font-weight: bold;
.commentLinkbar {
font-family: ;
font-size: 10px;
color: #878787;
text-align: right;
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
.commentLinkbar ul {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
.commentLinkbar li {
padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
margin: 0px;
display: inline;
.replyform {
background-color: #ffffff;
color: #878787;
padding-left: 10px;

text-align: right;
padding-right: 4px;
.month {
width: 500px;
border: 1px solid #878787;
margin: 8px 8px 8px 40px;
.daysubjects {
color: #878787;
padding: 8px 8px 8px 40px;
.daytitles {
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid #878787;
background: #111111;
color: #878787;
.day-blank {
border: 1px solid #878787;
.day {
border: 1px solid #878787;
.day-date {
border-right: 1px solid #878787;
border-bottom: 1px solid #878787;
color: #878787;
width: 50%;
text-align: center;
.day-count {
width: 50%;
text-align: center;
float: right;
font-size: 20px;
.day-count a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #69069c;


.tagstable, .tagstable td {
border: 1px solid #878787;
.tagstable { width: 500px; }


Copy and Paste this somewhere in your Profile:

Layout by .


• Please comment if you're using it. If I don't know what people like and what people don't like, I won't know what to make in the future! Which is a bummer for everyone.

• If you want to edit this layout, go ahead and change a few things, but be sure to credit me for the original layout.

• Don't steal. If I see people stealing my layouts (stealing includes using this layout without crediting me, or changing a few colors and the header and claiming it as your own) I will have to make this community friends only and you will be banned. Don't say I didn't warn you.

• If you have a question, it might already be answered in the FAQ post.

layouts:graphicless, layouts:styles:smooth sailing

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