Potter and Sebastian

Sep 13, 2009 11:52

Last night I went on an impromptu viewing of Harry Potter.  It's still showing at the second run theater, and a couple of girls at work still hadn't seen it. 
I was really surprised that anyone had not seen it yet, but I wouldn't pass up a chance to see it with friends.

This morning one of the girls and I at work were talking about it.  She liked it, we talked about the reworked ending and how the director's decision to not make a huge battle in Hogwarts when the entire series ends in a huge battle in Hogwarts.  It also means that you can put more story into the movie, because battles take a lot of time.

One of our co-workers overheard us and felt the need to tell us how the movie made him want to throw up, and rip apart every thing he could think of, and rounded this all up by saying how the whole series of movies was a joke and he didn't know why they kept trying.

Talk about a kill-joy.  Really?  Was it necessary to rag on something that someone else has enjoyed, indirectly implying that they are lacking in some manner to have enjoyed the movie?  I don't think so.
Maybe that's just me.

In other news, Sebastian has been gone for almost a week.
Darius guilted me into sleeping in my bed at night instead of the porch.  He said it's bad enough he has to miss Sebastian, he doesn't want to miss his wife, too.
I want Sebastian back home.
I'm worried about him, the little head butting maniac.
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