Bicycle and Brick

Apr 30, 2007 09:09

Note to self:

Cheese, nuts, and juice are all very unwise dining choices for just before I leave the house to bike to school. Seriously. I feel like I ate a brick and it's sitting heavily at the bottom of my stomach, daring me to make a wrong move, just daring me.


In other news... The Jared Lees Band (of which I am a part) is having a show on May 11th, if you'd like to come. This Wednesday is open mic; Emily and I will be doing some collaborative work, which is new. We sang together on Saturday night and I don't think we've EVER worked so well together musically. It's exciting.

Residence Life and Housing sent me two different rejection letters for their assistantship from two different people. How strange is that?

I still haven't heard back from CCM.

Blah. That brick is giving me trouble again.

I think I'm going to go exploring today on my bicycle, since I'm riding it for transportation anyhow. I'm not sure where to go... maybe I'll go to the grocery store or something daring like that. Haha. I have this simply dreadful leather backpack that I got for Christmas from my aunt. It's ugly and it's leathery, but it's what I've got. I can carry some groceries in it.

brick brick brick.

I need to be working on a paper right now. A million papers, really. I should get to that.

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