Evolution and CWRU

Feb 27, 2007 07:53

Everyone is off the marriage list at the moment. I'm simply not in a position to seriously consider any proposals right now. Forgive me, gentlemen (and ladies, if you swing that way).

I went to Case last night to hear Prof. Behe lecture on Intellegent Design. I sat next to some strange boy with greasy hair who sniggered the entire time. I didn't snigger , but I did take note of the way Behe did dole out a rather unprofessional and unchristian serving of mockery. I think he has a serious persecution complex, but I can't say I blame him. I felt refreshed to hear Dr. Hillel Kiel speak after him... and come off as much, much, much more Godly (and reasonable). I was delighted to hear that Case chose, as a respondent to Behe, a religious scientist. God and Science CAN peacefully coexist. Believing in the existence of God isn't necessarily scientific; they are in different camps. Science can not explain the supernatural, nor is the supernatural scientific.

Had a milkshake from Tommy's, too, and that was incredibly awesomely delcious. I miss Katy very very very much. I suppose I take back that marriage proposal thing I said earlier; if she proposed to me, I might consider accepting just because she's that awesome.

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