Had a great weekend chillin' with mah homiez. Good relaxation and lots of drinking. Think I killed off too many of my GOOD brain cells. I think I'm too old to stay up that late multiple nights in a row. At least I make a mean pizza at 4 in the morning!!
I'm insanely pleased.
ididntd0it got me to finally de-virginize my skin!! He popped my tat cherry. Spontaneous Saturday morning idea. We'd been planning on getting work done, and I had a design waiting for a long time, but we didn't have a date as to when we'd do it. So, we went to get the deed done. =D (as Izzy sat in the front room drooling to the sounds of needles) ;-P Problem is, I want more now. Expensive hobby, and not good for when I'm trying to REALLY save money. Of course, I already have another one designed. :-\
I admit, I've had fun wearing Izzy's BDU's for the past few days to let it heal. :-) I even showed it to my boss today, and she loved it!! She said she's really wanted one forever.