Feb 12, 2007 13:19
Fucking ass.
Boss: "I'm one of the most highly educated people...well...in the world."
Fucking piece of shit. You're a stupid fuck that just quotes stuff you read in books and articles. You get your news from aol.com's welcome page and you believe urban legends to be true.
Get with the fucking program, ass.
And if he doesn't shut up about global warming i'm going to kill him. he spouts off all these figures he just memorized from an inconvenient truth and talks about how bad it is that no one cares about the problem. does he drive a hybrid or the like? no. did he know what co2 offsetting was till I told him? no. does he say "we at least need to look like we're a green business because that's what people will be wanting soon. I don't have the time to become LEEDs certified."? yes.