Dec 30, 2009 21:03
I do it every year, why break tradition now?
First sentence of every first journal entry for every month for 2009.
In the cold night I find myself
reaching out to take your hand
finding only empty spaces
and the bitterness of wind
Born on 0203
and tomorrow
or in a matter of moments
it will be the age of 23
and the numbers begin to form
a kind of pattern
There comes a point in memory
when details become fuzzy
they start to slip away
like the first time I saw you
is a blur in my mind
but the first words you spoke
still echo in my ears.
Dont know what to say anymore, where to begin, what is safe to tell and what is kept secret.
The storm followed me back from Pittsburgh you know, I rose up into the clouds with so much moisture and thunder and I flickered like lightning the whole way home.
Ten years I've had this livejournal and over the course of that time this thing has seen a lot of poetry, drunk and sober rantings and a lot of drama. So its time to start over.
Last night I saw Christine who is now Frances who is now Hop Along, and no longer that girl I knew so many years ago.
I feel remarkably accomplished today.
I am having a very odd moment right now.
It has been a rough month for me. Hell, I won't lie, its been a a pretty rough year.
I am a fool, fool, fool for too many men far too often. No more, no more, no
I lie awake here in the limbo of time.
Interesting combination of poetry and fact. I thought it would be fitting to do this here in this journal although several of those later lines come from entries written for the new lj.
I made the big move on Sunday and I have been here in Pittsburgh for the past couple days. The move went pretty smoothly although there were some issues that arose with the realtor and one that arose back in Philly after I was gone. One by one I said goodbye to people until today, Carolyn left and I was alone in my new city.
Pittsburgh is full of open spaces. I feel like I can breathe here. I feel like I've finally taken flight after being grounded for so long. I feel like I am free for the first time in my life.
There is a lot to say, emotions jumbled and experiences to remember and people left behind and new friends to be found. But I am feeling slightly exhausted tonight and thus will cut right to the point.
Resolutions for 2010
I resolve
To attend my first semester of college at Pitt.
To ace all of my classes and get tons of scholarships next semester.
To meet new people and find new friends and make the most of it.
To spend time with my best friend in this city (Robert)
To write and write and photograph all around me.
To fight for what I want.
To become a stronger person.
To prove myself.
To be free.
For now I will go and sit on my couch and ponder decorating and unpacking while I watch the Office.
I feel like I am home.