Yesterday: About 681 words on the SnK smut explosion.
Today: 739 words on an entirely new SnK fic nooooo what is happening to meeee. Would've done more but I was also working on freelancing stuff for most of the day. This one at least is going to be...four scenes total, I think, with a definite end in view, and so not going all over the place like the other one, which is currently threatening to sprout two more smut scenes and a secondary relationship arc.
I'm now on day...something-th of cold-turkey withdrawing from my Pristiq. So far not bad. I'm perhaps a little more short-fused than usual, but I think I'm also PMSing at the moment, so it's hard to tell. I've had a few brain zaps too, but those haven't been bad. Weird and curious-feeling more than anything else. I've been totally in the
madness place as far as writing goes, so at least creativity and the ability to focus haven't been negatively affected, thank the gods. Although my typing seems to be a little out of whack.
And my shoulder really hurts, but that's from overdoing it with the snow shoveling.
Thus the saga of my triumphs (?) and woes. And now I have got to get to bed.