May 23, 2005 21:21
oh man am i happy that it's summer time. it's nice to wake up and not have to worry about school.
what sucks is that i've had to work at the pool everyday for the past week and i've got another straight week ahead of me. friday we had this HUUUUGGEEE evaluation of the pool and thursday night someone called me to see if i could take her place during the evaluation. i was so nervous i didn't really want to do it but i was one of the most experienced so they needed me. i ended up being the primary guard and got really high marks so that made me feel better. then saturday we had a huge meeting at the pool where all of the other ymcas came and i got to see twinkie. haha that was fun. i ended up staying at the pool alllllll day til 6 i believe it was.
yesturday was my only day off and i def had to go into work. but i got to sleep until 2 so it was nice. then today i slept until 1. let's hope i can keep that up for the next two weeks before morning lessons start.
swim team started tonight so i got to see some people that i haven't seen in a year. that's always fun.
i've got a work-filled summer to look forward to. if anything's going on feel free to give me a call, whether you think i'm working or not. cause if i'm not i'm sure i'll have nothing else to do. yay.