Yes I really do

Feb 28, 2010 22:36

I really hate the fact that school started (for me). I really don't like it at all, not digging it any bit..It has been sucha drag seriously.
Is it just me only or what that the school is crazy to give us so many things to do just within a week of lessons and by the following week, which starts officially tomorrow, everything have to be handed in and tests/presentation would be coming up?
What do they think we are? Robots? Computers? Machines? Or rather anything solidary which has memory cards/technology related?
I really don't like this, but I really hope the school or rather the teachers, make lessons more interesting and give us sequential procedures for us to learn well/properly and better?
OKAY I SHALL LOOK ON THE POSITIVE SIDE! Since next week I would only need to stay in the hostel for another 3 days and I can finally roll on my bed every single day without whining about homesick to everyone! Okay at the very least, I think I am not complaining about being homesick but Pearlyn does too! :<
To Pearlyn if she ever reads this:

Alright, I'm more or less done with my Jap presentation scripts, Reflective journal entry #2 and #3 and studied for my TNS mock test tomorrow ^^ WAY TO GO!
I really hope the questions for the TNS test will be easy and I don't get brain-blockeddd either! -prays-

& I should really start packing for the last 3 hostel stay! And familiarise a little of my Jap presentation tomorrow because if the teacher don't allow us to hold cards to read, I AM REALLY GOING TO HAVE A 'STARING SESSION'. Which I think it's impossible for me to memorise them now since i'm almost brain-dead and wants to sleep badly.
Hmmm I will try. Brain, please stay awake for at least half an hour okay then I'll let you have some peaceful sleep! <3

PS: I don't care if it's the 908712347123 times I've said this and I'm going to say it again and that is: I REALLY MISS MY 5A'09 HOMIES + ULIN + LAIHAN + JOYCE !!!!!
I don't know but I would really fall without them. They're part of me and I really don't know what will I become when poly starts for all of us 'cause everyone will be so busy then and I have no one to rant to and I don't wanna be a nuisance to anyone really :'<
I really feel very sad that I'm being split by this stupid post-tertiary exercise where we have to meet new friends again and not being able to catch up with the old precious ones.... Why can't they allow us stick to just one school in our entire life!? Wouldn't life be happier that way, when all your good friends are near you and you are continuously with them? 
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