Oct 31, 2013 21:57
So I waited all this time just to find out I didn't get into this program. I was really hoping for this. I figured it'd be my way to get my life started. Get out of this house. Make something of myself. I wish I had been given a reason why. Just a standard rejection email. Oh well. Maybe it's for the best.
I'm not sure where to go from here. I have no idea what I want to do with myself. I just don't want to be stuck at some dead end job making too little to support myself. I need to get back to school. First I need to figure out what for.
I just wish mom would get the hell off my back and let me figure it out without making me feel like a failure. She wants me to go to med school and become a doctor. Just because I'm intelligent enough to make it through, doesn't mean I want to work as a doctor. I don't want to be stuck at some job I hate. She tends to think that the paycheck will make it worth it. Sorry, but I really don't feel that way.
I found a program for radiation tech. I'm not sure I'd like it though. Giving treatments to cancer patients. I'd really have to explore more. Plus the only program in the area is in Tampa.
I don't understand why it's so difficult to find something I'm passionate about.