How The Prosecutor Stole Christmas

Dec 06, 2011 02:57

Who: truthsnomiracle and YOU!
What: Edgeworth being irritated by December and all that comes with it
When: Daytime, early December
Where: Prospero generally
Warnings: Angst, grouchiness, generally bad mood.
Format: Your choice of prose, action, or... well, read for yourself.

All the Prospero natives like Christmas a lot.
But this man, from outside Prospero, does not!
Miles Edgeworth hates Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Yet if you ask why, he won't share the whole reason.
He'll claim that the crime rate upsurges just then,
That high expectations breed desperate men.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
Is the tale of a lift at the end of a hall.

Whatever the reason, the earthquake or crime,
It sours his mood to see signs of this time.
He glares up at banners -- his Grinchiest frown --
Then at warm, lighted windows beyond in the town.
The man, not a fool, knows there's more than he sees:
Hanging mistletoe, wreaths, and of course Christmas trees.
There's the shopping, where avarice poisons the heart.
Inevitably, Christmas carols will start,
And then, oh, the noise! Oh, the noise, noise, noise, noise!
Together, the full force of Christmas destroys
So much of the wall that's surrounding that time --
The murder once thought an unsolvable crime.

miles edgeworth

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