Oh, lord, I swore I wouldn't do this....

Feb 15, 2008 22:32

This is NOT a reaction post to SPN 3.11, although it does contain spoilers. This is a conversation I just had with xingou about what we ALL KNOW WAS GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES.

velvetjinx: Dean dying in Sam's arms? how much can you hear the banter about:
velvetjinxJared: Dude, you're always dying in people's arms, what's up with that?
velvetjinxJensen: Shuddup, bitch. I was THIS close to Jessica Alba's tits, anyway.
velvetjinxJared: Are you saying I'm not as pretty as Jessica Alba? 'Cause I so am, dude.
velvetjinxJensen: *snort*
velvetjinxJared: Come on, Jensen, admit it. I'm totally prettier than Jessica Alba.
velvetjinxJensen: *sigh* Fine, yes, you total GIRL, you're the prettiest, prettiest princess ever.
velvetjinxJared: And totally hotter than Jessica Alba. C'mon, say it!
velvetjinxJensen: *sigh*
xingou: hahahahahahahaha
xingouthat is AWESOME
velvetjinxyou KNOW it's true.
xingoui DO
xingoujared was way pretty in this episode

Also, did anyone else spend the last 20 minutes of that episode crying? Or was it just me?

rachel pwns my fannishness, supernatural, velvetjinx is insane, spoilers

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