I have spent...pretty much the WHOLE of today squeeing about how precious Ryan Seacrest is. And considering that most of my weekend was spent, well, squeeing about how precious Ryan Seacrest is, I'm running low on energy. But not, apparently, on squee, because when it comes to Seacrest I apparently can't STOP.
(It's not that I fancy him; I don't. Not exactly. It's more that I just want to smush his precious face and coo over his adorableness and be friends with him and go to dinner with him and Simon so I could roll my eyes at their gay/antics. And when you go to his website it's scary how he's managed to market himself into a product, but then you watch him on AI or on the youtube vids from his radio show and he is just a ginormous dork of dorkiness and ILHISFACE. *hands*)
In conclusion: I occasionally have a giant mancrush on Ryan Seacrest, with all the heterosexual-maleness that entails. But he is such a woobie that I'm also kind of maternal (WHAT THE HELL IS IT WITH GUYS CALLED RYAN, NO, SERIOUSLY, I MEAN I KNOW WHY I'M ALL MATERNAL WITH THE OTHER ONE BUT THIS ONE IS INEXPLICABLE. UNLESS IT'S NOT BUT I KINDA REALLY DON'T WANT TO KNOW THAT RIGHT NOW BECAUSE MY EXISTENCE IS STRANGE ENOUGH TYVM) towards him.
And now my epic face of tiredness is leading me to bed, and tomorrow I have a crapload of comments to leave on Simon/Ryan fics that I've read over the last couple of days but have not been able to comment on yet due to the fact that I know that anything that comes out of my fingertips will be variants of ";ASJDHF ;ASKJDHF;LASKJDHFLKHSDABVKJSADHFKSAHDFABSDJNBASD;KJFHAS KJDFJSA;KDH" and not actual words, and I'd rather have actual words when interacting with people I've never interacted with before.
(Also, I found
this utterly terrifying video via Jon Walker (bandboy twitters are the MOST FUN WITH THE SHENANIGANS, YOU GUYS) and. I have no words.
Some gems:
"[A]nd we need the food, because it's food, and stuff."
"[The businesses downtown] are really good at making stuff, they're, like, experts..."
"And we can really be a community and, like, make the things, and sell them in our stores, and I really believe that it can be a California thing and it can really work out? Because, um, we can be rich, and cotton, and mining metals, and silkworms, and we can make things, and we can make things-cars, the machines can make it for us, and we can have the community, and the city, and San Francisco, and we can make things and put them in the stores."
"On the East Coast they have slaves, and they believe in slavery, and made in China, but on the West Coast - the new West Coast - we don't believe in that, we believe in the Union, and that's what we are..."
No, seriously. Apparently the East Coast of the USA still believes in slavery! And in California, you can be rich, AND cotton, AND mining metals, AND silkworms! And don't worry, because machines will make cars for you, so you can be all those things!
I actually do not know how to deal with this, other than with epic amounts of facepalmery.)