Oh my god you guys guess what??
SHFJSDFKSA;JHFKJASDHFJSDHFJH!!!!!! A mod on the NCIS Awards 2009 on Livejournal contacted me and told me I'd been nominated in the category "Tony/McGee Best Romance". !!!!!!!!![/abuse of capslock]
I. Seriously, if whoever nominated me for this reads this post, THANK YOU. I'm not sure I deserve it, but seriously. I didn't stop gleeing for, like, half an hour after I was told about this.
I'm gonna go do some more flailing now. *FLAIL*
(Oh Pee Ess I'm on Dreamwidth now, as me, and am currently crossposting from there. Let's see if this works.)
Banner credit goes to
bananacosmic, who kindly made and shared them.