(no subject)

Apr 19, 2007 20:46

Tagged by Rroselavy

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

1. I have a really vicious temper. I mean 'break someones finger' vicious if you get me irritated enough. It doesn't happen often.

2. My favorite series of books growing up as a child were by Tamora Pierce, either her "Lioness" quartet or "Wild Magic" quartet. I still read them.

3. I still cry for the people I know who have died. Right from my cousin who died when I was six to Matt last year. When it's late and I know I'm truely alone I sob. I miss them all desperatly.

4. I don't really trust anyone out of my real life friends. Not one of them knows half the stuff you guys know about me.

5. I get obsessions for things far to easily.

6. I don't get all the hype over sex. I really don't. I enjoy reading smut etc (as you all know) but actual sex? I'm not really that fond of it. Maybe I'm just odd.

7. I have over 100 teddy's, I know each one's name and love them all.

8. Ooh, I'd really like to be Presidant of the United States of America. Not possible but I reckon I'd be better at the job than Bush!

9. Occasionaly I have the urge to be male just so I could be gay. O.o

10. I often wonder if all the love I feel for various characters **CoughYukiWonkaDeeRyoSetoJouHakkaiGojyo........** will corrupt me for life against real men. **Grin**

Argh that was harder than I thought. No tagging from me feel free to do it if you wish.

Comment on this post, and I'll:
1 - Tell you why I friended you.
2 - Associate you with a song/film.
3 - Tell a random fact about you.
4 - Tell a first memory about you.
5 - Associate you with a character/pairing.
6 - Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
7 - Tell you my favorite user pic of yours [if it pertains].
8 - In retort, you must post this in your LJ. :)
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