my A's are over. REJOICE.

Nov 18, 2008 22:34 watch me keel myself going through a month's worth of entries.

Omaera caps. Yocchin kiresugiiii. D: dammit they need whoever did their makeup that time to do it more. makeup for the one i have is. ...pretty crappy. orz. ;;;;;;
..and for some reason their dark coloured wigs always look horrible but the blonde/ ones are okay?

..and wow I totally forgot 07-Ghost had an anime announced. D: Saiiiiigaa. JunJun. orz.

..because I'm going through my f-list: cute Tsuna cos orz. cuute D: and okay she totally needs to do Sora. ..if she hasn't. I am way too lazy to check lolz. ;;

....340 entries back *asdjfk;lajsdf dying*

...wtff Sakurada Doori is in Den-Ou? ..and some other thing. I forget.

..oh right I watched my omaera dvd on uh.. the other day. and it's liekwtfLOL. XDDD
for srs. and some parts are really 人がいるなら見ちゃだめええ orz はずかしいから;; they need better stylists. as one of the hosting dudes mentioned some of them (Yocchin and Daisaku I think?) were メイクの前充分きれいだった (only not in those words, uh. more like they looked better before メイク lol ;;;) ..ahah Yocchin was like なにそれ?!

..680 entries back, and lj refuses to go any further. :/
..and it just turned 12. ..I guess I should sleep. ;; a while.
...oh bah I WILL do my x'mas wishlist soon. D: nuu don't eat mee

seiyuu are hart, cosplay

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