Risu/Wenneh/Saga I am totally going to make you do this too.

Jul 08, 2009 22:22

1. I'll make a list describing 20 of my favorite idols seiyuu, without using their names.
2. People will comment, guessing who each one is.
3. As they're guessing, I'll cross out the clues and add next to each one the answer, and who guessed it.
4. You copy these instructions into your journal and we play again!

I've no confidence I'll be able to keep to 20 but well. i'm just gonna start listing don't kill me if I go over. 8D

In the order that I can think of phrases to describe them:

1. His alias is 'just a virgin' in katakana. and he always makes me flail when I watch that Saint Beast live event. and then cracks me up by being a retarded kid at the end of his song. which is justified because he pretty much was a kid at that time. unlike the rest who just acted like kids. XD ;asdklfj ahh why so cute. Suzuki Tatsuhisa rararando
2. shimo neta king. ad libs like mad. Kishio Daisakuu priestnobaka
3. mic stand molester. Toriumi Kousuke rararando
4. probably my first male seiyuu love. Suzumura Kenichi rararando
5. put him together with #4 and you get my first seiyuu otp. ohoho they were my first bld. I remember spazzing at discovering that there was audio pron. xD; Sakurai Takahiro priestnobaka
6. my first seiyuu love? thank you tenipuri. sagaraice, rararando
7. STOP VOICING STONY PEOPLE. I like you retarded. It just fits ☆ Miyano Mamoru rararando, priestnobaka
8. イケメン Saiga Mitsuki rararando
9. I ship him with #8 in Loveless. He is SQUISHY. grow your hair back please. Yoshino Hiroyuki rararando
10. First heard him when I dl-ed the first eps of two anime series'. and he was the main chara in both. and they were both tenkousei. one was bl and one was. just very gay. Fukuyama Jun priestnobaka
11. I still want to see that pic of him in a santa girl outfit. He mentioned it in an interview with him and #10. for the latter of the anime mentioned in #10's description. Kakihara Tetsuya priestnobaka
12. Her dog's name is サラン. and I aimed for her in a certain renai game even though her character was a girl. Paku Romi rararando
13. Another one of my first loves. ..would like to put that word that he always shouts but that would be a dead giveaway. So. there's a word that he always shouts and it also doubles as his nickname. Hoshi Souichirou aka Pappi~ rararando, gerai_neon
14. Him with #1 is another of my seiyuu otps. Hatano Wataru priestnobaka
15. I actually started out not liking his voice. and then somehow fell in love with it and now I have no idea why I didn't like it. But lol that's not a hint because I never told anyone about it. *shot* uhh. dubs Orlando Bloom's characters? XD and I like it when he's paired with #14 in blds. Hirakawa Daisuke rararando
16. Is younger that me. Uchiyama Kouki sagaraice, rararando
17. SOUNDS LIKE A GIRL. NO REALLY. Shimowada Hiroki rararando
18. Same first name as #6 and is great on stage. Takeuchi Junko rararando

...Oh crap I am definitely going to go over 20. can't stop. *shot*

19. I've been stalking his blog lately. he has very pale skin. and seems to wear shirts that expose his collar bones alot.
20. Went to the same.. theatre group as #7, #16 and #18. Main character of a recent anime. I ship him with #16 in a certain game 8D Kimura Ryohei rararando

21. Was a main character of a certain anime along with #2, #9 and #10. Shimono Hiro priestnobaka
22. His vocal range. a;sdlkfja;sldfkjasf. Takahashi Hiroki rararando
23. PERFECT ENGLISH. Not-so-perfect Chinese. Kaida Yuki rararando
24. Put make up on him and he can easily pass off as a girl.
25. Same age as #21 and #24. Says cracky things with a straight face. Sugita Tomokazu rararando, priestnobaka
26. Appears on #19's blog quite a lot. ...this boy. so cuute. D: his deep voice. GAP MOE. *shot* Yonaga Tsubasa rararando

okay I think I can stop there. 6 over is not that bad right? right? *shot*

went to some warehouse book sale in amk with rararando and Cal six666 today. and then ended up at wenneh's house because we found out there was a straight bus there. BASARA-ed. Played Itsuki lol. because Cal picked Kyuuta-kun. (I don't think I'll ever remember his real name) and she was around the same level.
ordered macs. and then had a very cracky conversation about Aniki and Mouri over dinner. XDDDD

okay post before I decide to add to the list.


ETA2: oh right. I wanted to put "he's from Oosaka" for JunJun. I forgot. orz.

seiyuu are hart, basara, i am insane, meme

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