My mom usually works weeknights until 10 or 11 so she hasn't seen any of this season's American Idol. Since she's on a different schedule this week I reminded her to watch the show to confirm how lame Danny Gokey is and how amazing Adam Lambert is. I called her during Gokey and after Kris Allen to confirm that Kris Allen is adorable and should be in the top two with Adam and braced her for the awesomeness of Adam Lambert... after the first song ("One" by U2) she just said "Well they all agreed with you" but you could tell she wasn't blown away. I didn't like his shirt* by the way but he's smart and trying to appeal to middle America methinks. She called me after Adam's second song to say "That kid ROCKS!" and I was like, "I'll call you back, I know! love you." because Adam was still on screen getting his comments. Anyhow after the show my mom was like, "That guy is outstandingly better than the others. It doesn't even seem like a competition." To which I informed her to beware the evangelist vote which has kept Danny Gokey out of the bottom three the entire season. When little clips are shown of each contestant on the commercial for the AI tour, what do you suppose Gokey Dokey is doing? Ahhh, that's right putting his hands in a praying gesture. He made sure to wear a cross last night too. If he stays on and Adam gets booted I might flip out. I need to see Adam in the finale. It needs to happen. I have hoped for either a finale between he and Kris (Kradam, hahaha) or he and Gokey. The prior for pure entertainment/slashing value and the latter to impress upon America Adam's vocal superiority.
Why Danny Gokey must be stopped:|htmlws-main|dl2|link5| "It's okay guys, I love America too, see?"
Adam's performances from last night can be found here: I don't really like Aerosmith but what a classy pimp move from Adam in reference to Gokey's rendition of "Scream Dream On" Like, "See Gokey? This is how you do Aerosmith without assualting the collective eardrums of America!"
So... seriously I must have voted over 200 times. I can't really be sure but I voted for nearly two hours solid until my home phone ran out of batteries. I won't be watching the results show as usual because I may be obsessed with Adam Lambert but NOTHING will keep from watching LOST. Especially tonight. It's the season finale! This show just keeps improving. Not the mention there has finally been enough Richard Alpert the past few weeks. I normally am very distressed at it being the final episode of LOST's season but I am so happy about the scheduling this year. I will be able to watch the results for American Idol next week which damn well better include Adam Lambert. I might be trying to persuade you guys to throw some votes his way next week. Voting is free from land lines...
P.S. Did you all hear what Simon said last night? He basically ordered America to vote for Adam because he has the talent and deserves to stay.
Hahaha. He got flashed at his homecoming.
(Every day is Adam Lambert Day for me...)
Read about Adam's perforamce of "One" and watch U2's dragtastic video: Read about Kris Allen's superb cover of KanYe West's "Heartless": ETA: I mentioned to my Dad today how I always made fun of my sister for voting on American Idol and that now I've been voting like a fiend and he says, "What, is there a homo on there this year?" Hahaha. If you knew my Dad you would know that he's not saying that in an especially homophobic way... he's just extraordinarily caustic.
P.S. Since this post is public I think I'll pimp
slashfact to anyone who might possibly be interested. I plan on doing a Kradam post so feel free to leave me any relevant photos/quotes in the comments.