life & thoughts

Feb 06, 2013 22:42

school, home ( mostly my own room) or out with awave. that's all mainly what i'lve done so far this year. the routine of waking up, going to school, then coming back, then spending all the time in the room all the way till bedtime. then the cycle repeats for 5 days. while I spend all these time within these four walls, I sometimes stop to think, what are others doing at that moment. i start thinking about friends. what are they each doing individually. then I think about what idols and famous people are doing right now.

this process makes me realised that we are all human. even the idols you see on television, they are living right now. they are just like us, just that they have a more hectic schedule and more people know who they are. everyone's doing something at this moment. somehow this scares me.

what you can think of life superficially is what you experience yourself, what you do, what you eat, see, feel, smell, etc.

to look at it in depth, everyone around you, everyone in this world, we are all each living a life, everyone experiences different things at the same time.

we are all humans, we are all living, but why is it we are all different.
sometimes I get jealous of people's life because I feel that they have a wonderful life. good relationships, good results, good looks. but that just the surface. I don't know how hard each person works to maintain their relationships with family and friends, I don't know how much effort they put into studying.

simultaneously, this intrigues me. it is so weird to think that everyone's life is different. never the same, all unique.
just like how we view things differently. doesnt it make you feel amazed at how we are all humans, we are all living ( for some, in the same country, place, area) but we see things different. like whether the colour is purple or not.
that also leads me into thinking about how awesome humans are. how we have a writing system, how it even came about. I wonder if things were named differently, example if 'pink' is not the colour pink but the colour that we think is green right now. I mean who creates all these? what will our lives be without words.
how do languages work? am I really typing
in a language? are these even really words? how do I know that リンゴ and apple is really the same thing? why are they the same?
there's so many questions, but no one really knows the answers.

in conclusion, I just wanna say that humans are amazing. & I guess something I learnt today is to be selfless. put other's into consideration too, the world does not revolve around you.

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life, thoughts, via ljapp

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