Am I really just crazy or am I justified in my reasons for letting you know....

Dec 28, 2004 14:20


It really fucking pisses me off when people think I shouldn't be angry that they are destroying my room. Who the hell are you to say I shouldn't be "overreact" when---

I've gotten 4 hours of sleep and my eyes are fucking driving me nuts
ALL DAY I've been frantically trying to find ways to pay my phone bill, pawn shop, etc...
Trying to figure out how I'm going to pay to get my car fixed (which didn't pass inspection for something stupid) always scared to death I'm gonna get pulled over becuase the assholes at the car place drew a big huge X on my inspection sticker.
Nothing electronic in my room works right wich further aggrevates me

okay i'm allready having a bad day. I can handle that.

but when a number of drinks are being spilled everywhere...
ashes being spilled everwhere (on the carpet and all over my bed)
and I dont even smoke ciggs
When people are having very little consideration that my parents are downstairs trying to sleep
When my art starts getting fucked up (and yeah some of it did) that is when I really stop being able to pretend like ALL THESE PEOPLE AREN'T DRIVING ME INSANE.

It just seems like no one has any consideration or even try to watch what they're doin. Right now I have a lot of important stuff out because I am trying to organize and re-arange my room and there is just too much stuff around that could be so easily ruined HOW CAN YOU ACT LIKE I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PARANOID THAT THE NEXT TIME SOMEONE SPILLS SOMETHING IT'S GOING TO BE ALL OVER MY LAPTOP OR CAMERA OR PICTURES OR ARTWORK. I can't watch where everything is every second otherwise I would and try to prevent accidents from happening. And just worrying about it the whole time IS going to make me in a not very good mood.

I am aware that they are all accidents...
but please, at least act like you've learned from them and try to be a little bit more careful around things that are important to me. I am not pissed at any of you, just at your carelessness.
I love you all so much so don't take this the wrong way, I am just trying to let you know that there are few things that that REALLY piss me off and this is one of them.

I mean really, how would you feel if I came into your room (not anyone in particular just so we're clear) and did the same?

EVERYBODY please feel free to answer the above question, because I would really like to know whether I am the one overreacting here.
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