I was reading The Canadian Idol message boards and apperently the Toronto auditions were really bad! they were say it all was disorganized and that a lot of people were butting and they were given no food or drinks, They were also saying that it was really tough and that one of the female producers wasn't letting a lot of people go to the judges, blah i was gonna try out next year but after hearing all that, I don't think so! lol
Anyhoo, I think the winner of Canadian Idol gets an International record deal because its with 19 ...Simon's label...I hope the winner does get International success. I hope they sell lots of records unlike "Sugar Jones" and "Velvet Empire" , I can't belive I liked those groups but yeah. I'm going to see Lillix @ Mike Bullard on June 10 I'm soooooooo excited! "It's about time" Canada gets a group like them! their debut cd "Falling uphill" is instores now! and its amazing! go get it! lol...and vote for them on TRL too! ;)
It's The 30th one down!