Riots of Spring

Mar 30, 2008 16:13

IMG_2808, originally uploaded by armcurl.
Yesterday I went with M to see the Riots of Spring Roller Derby-- London vs. Glasgow. London obliterated Glasgow-- the home team is getting mighty! We were standing next to these guys who kept saying smarmy things like, "I want to be in the penalty box with the naughty girls" or "Look at that Missyle Elliot. Imagine her riding...a horse." But eventually they all had to realize that these women kick ass...One said, "They are amazing athletes-- that one is like a sidewinder!" They had to content themselves with oogling the women in bunny ears and corsets at the scoreboard. It was pretty satisfying, I'll tell you that.

There's nothing like it in London-- standing around drinking lager and yelling...not at men playing footie but at women in skates...

I dragged M to the after party where we met Cami, aka Kamakazi Kitten and her guy friend Steve who made her costume. I was telling Steve that we were standing by a herd of men who were being all dude-like and he said that some guys come to the derby expecting catfights or mud wrestling type erotic spectacle and they realize it's an actual sport. I was telling them how I remember watching roller derby on the telly in the 70's as a little girl and my parents would disparage the sport as being totally barbaric which of course made me more interested in it. They were both super nice and funny were encouraging me to join up. I couldn't believe Cami didn't know how to skate 6 months ago and now she's a Jammer. Could I see myself doing this? I don't know but it sure as hell looks like fun.
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