so, it looks like this weeks going to be less crazy than i originally thought. i am going going to the IU tournement this weeknd, but i'm only taking prose and poetry, which gives me a chance to focus on them, and really put my time and effort ito it. i worked with both al and brett today on my poetry, and they really hellped me with it. i don't want to get my hopes up, because . . . yeah. i'm atually reather freaked about it, honestly. but, hopefully it will be good. it's funny. i'm almost at a lost because i'm not at wits end, memorizing a new speech, or interp, or anything. misty and i are working on duo thursday night w/al, it's comming along, which is cool. part of me wants to say, 'what are we doing? we can pull this together by friday morning - let's take duo too!', but . . . for one abby and i can pull that off, while misty's cool, we're not joined at the hip like abby and i are/were(?), plus, i should really use this non-crazy week, to work on my school stuff, and other events, and on gettig enough sleep and not going crazy.
in other news, i have my first chem quiz on thursday. yuck.
Jan: had possibly the worst winter break in history with a few (minor) high points.
Feb: so it's been one of those weeks again.
Mar: haven't posted for a while, thought i'd catch up.
Apr: i've been reading a book tonight that starts each chapter with a quotation.
May: my computer is down for the count at the moment (again, of course), so i have noooooo internet, and since the library computer lab is open only during the hours i'm in class and at work
Jun: attention span?
July: i was looking back at my recent entries and realized it's bee a really long time since i posted anything of substance.
Aug: i just nearly had a heart attack.
Sept: my brain is on sabbaticle
Oct: mmmmm, where to start, where to start.
Nov: inarticulate political rant (please don't be offended, i'm just ranting, i don't hate anybody)
Dec: A bunch of meme's and quizes . . . and an interestig blub for HP/LOTR fans . . .