It is still dark when the alarm starts to buzz and beep from across the room. His feet his the floor only to recoil instantly. It is cold. The room is so cold but it is so dark and quiet outside and he needs to shut the alarm off to bring the silence back inside with him. He peeks out the window, from between the heavy drapes and frowns at the layer of frost. The birds are not even chirping yet.
Yet there is suddenly the comforting scent of coffee wafting through the empty apartment. He has time to dress, go to the washroom and wash his face before the coffee finishes. It is there, steaming in his hand before he even realizes he is the kitchen. He wonders if everyone sleeps while getting ready in the morning? He wonders if he could get away with sleeping all the way to work and as he looks up, he is wearing his coat and pulling his boots on. A glance over his shoulder shows the empty cup of coffee set down, deep in the sink. He shoves his hand in the pockets, heads out the door and locks it behind him.
The sky is lifting its veils, lighting shade by shade. He looks to where the sun will come up over the house tops but there is nothing there. Just clouds and there he is, stamping his feet to warm up while he waits for the bus. He is alone at the stop and looks at all the houses around him, wondering if everyone is still warm inside and sleeping, putting off the day for just five more minutes.
His weariness lifts as he digs out his bus pass, flashing it to the driver who welcomes him with a tired but sincere smile. The bus is cozy and the sun is starting to rise as he is driven off down the street. He is finally, fully, awake by the third stop.
this is a bit late [for only being the second day] because i had a family function to go to. i actually have plans to go shopping in toronto next weekend with three of my cousins. so there's that anyway. i wrote this pretty quickly. it's not great. mostly something i would use as a character outline but it fits my mood.
lincoln is curled up on my bed. he is an adorable cat.
it is only now i realize i will have to write early on tuesday because i will be obsessed with the news all day long. i will probably have multi-tab news organizations open and my tv on. i am too tired to be excited right now but it's there. i am excited and hopeful for americans right now. i hope they don't get fucked over the way that i feel canada kind of did with our politics. [seriously, how much better would it be if the left wasn't being split all these different ways? argh.]
random: my cousins are all good at the rock band game. and i really want a wii. but not really, just kind of sometimes i want one. whatever.