Nov 05, 2005 00:24
Got moved in last weekend. I'm too tired to think about it let alone write about the move. Let me simply say experiencing it was exhausting enough, if I wrote more I'd fall asleep.
I am thrilled to be moved, though. We've been unpacking and unpacking yet it doesn't appear so. I'm constantly searching boxes for my things. I don't even feel like unpacking anymore. I feel like storing most of it in the basement and living minimalist.
Pixie is adjusting swimmingly. Mingus the old trooper is happy as ever, probably thinks it's a big adventure at the lake and with all the stuff from home.
I've been attempting to catch up on flist entries. It's a dirty job but I must do it. ;)
Went to a brother's birthday party tonight. At times, with children vigorously playing and everything else going on, the noise level was, oh how can I put this, deafening. Love nieces and nephews but good to be back in my quiet sanctuary with kitties.
Sock time. Snow.