Pixie - 1997-2008
Pixie passed away last summer on this date. It was the saddest time for us. She was a little ray of sunshine that came into our lives on a cold winter day. She was the runt of the litter. I remember this bleary eyed and wee thing that instantly captured my heart. I wanted her out of the litter. We brought her home and she marched right into the house like she owned the place and everyone in it. So began her rule over us all.
For such a little girl she left an awfully big hole in my heart when she died.
Some of the following photos are old and not so good but are some of my favourites. My heart still breaks to look at these.
A first Pixmas. Just a little shrimp, had to grow into those ears. She became very sick around this time and we nearly lost her, but thankfully she pulled through.
Smells like Christmas.
Bono and Pixie. Pixie: You can't resist my cute and you will love me. Bono: What are you and when are you leaving? At first Bono didn't know if he liked her but she won him over with her charm.
What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine. That was pretty much her philosophy.
Her favourite place to snuggle when she was a baby. Sometimes she thought Bono was her mommy.
Good buddies. She'd clean his face while holding his head down with one paw and he'd better not move while she performed this duty. Bono was completely dedicated to her. She had a way of rallying him to her defense against the other cats. Bono passed away five years before her.
Someone to watch over me. Mingus was a good mom to her when she was little. He'd lick and bite her tummy to get her digestion going. Later, he kept a watchful eye on her in the backyard. Neither ever left the yard.
I am independent. She sure had a mind of her own.
As independent as she was she loved us, especially her daddy and sleeping on daddy's lap.
And she loved her fuzzy blue baby. She had this fuzzy blue thing from day one until the very end. So many times we thought it lost, and then it would appear.
She loved our bed, especially getting under the covers to clean herself and chirp and mutter away to herself. It was a nightly ritual.
She loved the sunbeams on the dining room table.
Sometimes she was grumpy and it showed on her face. She had the most expressive face that I've ever seen on any of my cats. She could sure scowl when dissatisfied about something.
Mostly, I think she was quite happy with the setup. We doted on her and loved her like crazy. She brought so much happiness into our lives.
Even when she got older we called her baby and baby girl. She liked when I said poor, poor baby. I think it went back to when she was a sick kitten and I'd cuddle her under the covers and say "poor baby" over and over.
Sleep baby girl. We will never forget you. I love you to pieces.
I've always felt terrible for everyone when they suffer a loss of a pet. I know it's not easily gotten over. I still feel the pain of that day one year ago. For such a little girl she left an awfully big hole in my heart.
We buried Pixie in our backyard garden by the rose bush. I can see it from my desk. I'm glad she had a good life while she was with us. Looking at these photos I'm reminded of all the happiness and good laughs she brought to us. I will always love my little Pixie girl.