Happy Birthday C!

Feb 01, 2008 01:08

It's your birthday caoilainn. One of those so called special ones too! Not that they all aren't special, well... you know what I mean. ;)

Although, I can't be there for your special celebration and do it up right, I will be there in spirit. You'd requested fic, well, I haven't any, but I do have something else that I'd like to share with you.

I love my flower garden. It may be small but my garden is my sanctuary. I find tranquility, renewal and joy there. In my garden are many flowers of many colours, but there is just something unique in the rose. Don't you agree?

So, I'd like to share a little piece of that joy with you.

My roses

1000 birthday wishes to you, my friend. I am happy to call you a friend through all these years.

Celebrate, you beauty! Party like it's 1999! *klink* ;D


birthdays, photos

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