It's all about Snape - always will be

Sep 01, 2007 22:14

I've never understood JKR's low opinion of Snape, especially that she's surprised so many readers are drawn to him and dismisses it as the "bad boy syndrome." A bit insulting if you ask me. Shame on her. I wonder if she understands Snape at all. Nevertheless, I am thankful that she created the snarky bastard. Snape lovers have always been loyal to him and know that he is the true hero.

Therefore, I was happy to see this article about who the real hero in the Harry Potter books is:
Missing from "Harry Potter" - a real moral struggle, by Jenny Sawyer. Heard about it on snapecast.

excerpt: And it is precisely this need for resolution - our desire to know the real Snape and to understand his choices - that makes him the most compelling character in the Potter epic. His decisions, not Harry's, were the linchpin. And his moment with Dumbledore after the death of Harry's parents, not Harry's last duel with Voldemort, is the authentic climax of the series.



I see a lot of young-Snape fan art popping up all over the place, also a lot of Snape and Lily fan art. A favourite of mine is this gorgeous drawing by ellaine of a young Snape and Lily. So sad. For me the drawing captures not only his loneliness and isolation but also his desire, and a hint of Lily's eventual aloofness toward him to have fallen for James "jerk" Potter. ha. That's my take on the portrait anyway.

From what I've been reading Snilly may be the division amongst Snape fans. Whether or not he was in love with Lily doesn't matter to me but I've always liked the idea, and that he'd always had the capacity for deep loyalty. I've been thinking that Snape's worst memory may not have been the Marauder's cruelty towards him but that he called Lily a mudblood. As humiliating as the incident must have been for Severus, calling Lily a reprehensible name could have caused a falling out between them and paved the way for James. Just a thought.


Dying to try the Severus Snape cocktail?
I could use a double.

Schnapps, blackberry (Black Haus) 1 part
Vodka, pepper 2 parts
In a test tube, of course.

And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
- Kahlil Gibran

media, snape

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