So, I just got home from Kira's B-day party! It was some fun shit.
First me, ranaye, jackie, and kira all went to the dollar movie. We saw king arthur. Good movie.... during some serious part when this dude was dying, he calls to arthur and Ranaye just blurst out "I am your father". lmao
We came back to the house and ate veggie burgers and watched Micheal Jackson videos. heehee
Nicole arrived around 7ish...
Then They took us in Kira's room and tryed to attempt to teach Jackie and I how to shake our asses. lol They said I've improved, I think think they were proud. Maybe I can only dance to Britney Spears music?
Then we went out to the store to buy more whipped cream. People look at us funny in public places... like we're weird or something.
In the car Nicole kept talking about all these whorish things she's done, like made out with marisa for $20! And she kept cursing in frount of Kira's mommy... yeah, and she kept telling us about her girl friend. weird
Later we had the whipped cream fight. that was so fun! I had it like every where. It was so nasty! It was burning my eyes... nasty! And then after a while it started to smell like rancid milk. So we hosed each other off and played in the water for a long time. We began doing all drumline's cheers that we could remember and Glenn taped us. We specialize in the Rumble one. haha!
The rest of the night was basically spent in Kira's room playing the who, what, when, where, and why sex game and lemon! That was fun stuff. And then The other 3 all talked about their boy/sex experiences. Jackie and I just kinda sat there. Yeah, we're losers, but some of their stories were very interesting.
We ended going to bed at like 5:30 and then got woken up at 8:30. I shared the bed with Nicole and Kira. hot sex. lol j/k I didn't end up sleeping that much, I had a really bad tummy ache. Probably due to the large amount of spicey doriots I consumed. Yumm
In the morning we went to the mall. However, Kira's mommy didn't want nicole to come with us, cause she didn't really appreciate the way she was acting, or talking or whatever. Yeah, she we told her Kira's mommy was bringing us all home and dropping her off first... then we went to the mall.
I wish I brought more money. They had that Ninjas and Pirates don't get along shirt that I want! And they also had a Bleeding through live DVD. *drool* I ended up getting fishnet thigh highs to wear with my garder belt when Kaylee takes me out "whoring". lol
While driving we passed this street walker... haha. we were all making fun of her. She had long blonde hair. she swayed her ass major as she walked. Little skirt, and huge boobs. We finally pass her, and look at the face. It was totally a dude! haha! A transvestite prostitute. lol
We also went to this other store that had all this vinyl stuff that I wanted to rape!
So yeah, I had alot of dirty fun, and I am so tired. I need to sleep!!! So all I have to say is
Ranaye, Jackie, and Kira... *rumbles*
Here s the link if anyone wants to check out our drumline as cheerleaders... they rumble too.