The last week has been really difficult. I've been socialising and eating/dringking in front of people and feeling like I've given up control. But I'm not too worried, it's just a small setback and I'm looking forward to getting back into my restricting routine. It's not so much the weight I care about it's the restricting that does it for me. Well...that's how I feel at the moment.
I went to see
Slaves to Gravity last night. They were fantastic, they put on such a good show for a really lackluster audience. I have to say they must be the least photogenic band I've ever seen. Their promo shots did nothing to prepare me for how good looking they all are. Seriously, ♥ They deserve to be much more famous.
Oh and
this is another pointless article about a recovered anorexic. it's somewhat triggering and offers no useful information about how to begin recovery and make it work for you. Is there some cover-up conspiracy - you're allowed to write about all the glamourous sordid details of starving, the fact you recovered and how much happier you are but whatever you do, don't offer any insights into how you actually recovered or what you learned. Tell us all to recover but don't give us any clues about how to even begin it or make it work.
Hearing about other people recovering isn't a "message of hope" for those of us who are still in the depths of an ED. Recovery is just a baffling and incomprehensible concept and no ED memoirs or articles ever seem able to shed any light on it.
Oh and my period happened again. Pffft. Fuck that shit.