So, more beading has transpired in the time since my last post. Nothing crazy-extensive since my last post. But I did start to assemble my capelet, which includes sewing/beading the trim on that. So it's about 3.5' of hand-beading and I've only just finished the first row of beads. Wasn't bad, as I've said all along, just time consuming, and as I told my coworker today it's only made difficult by my "erratic mental patterns".
I've reached a point in the project where I can't really assemble it any further until I finish the beading, so for the time being the top is still separate from the skirt, but I have the top pieces for the "most part" assembled. Straps attached and waiting for their turn to play- but not yet.
So, as per usual, have some pics!
The caplet right after I cut it out. Note my pattern being another piece of fabric- totally BSed the cape so, I was rather surprised when it worked like I had hoped.
Straps attached + extra beads.
Beading on the capelet, flash makes it a little hard to read...
So, here's the beading w/o the flash on. Gives slightly better reading of the pattern.
And the top layer of the capelet.