This was my letter to Santa this year

Dec 26, 2007 17:44

Dear Santa,

This letter is being written kind of from a sad an fragile person. What had started out as a year of positivity, hopefulness and dreams has shattered into the cesspool I write about to you today.

See roughly around Thanksgiving of every year my life and that of my children seems to always get some sort of holiday curse and given my wonderful and absolutely fabulous children we make the most of it. Yet I still cannot shake the feeling that once again as a parent I'm failing.

It all started in August when I received notification from our complex we were residing in that they had decided not to renew our lease and that we had sixty days to vacate the property. Endless searching resulted in continual denials doe to various financial reasons left us in a bit of frightened scenario of homelessness. Thats a terribly scary picture to imagine. We had a bright light though a house available not too terribly far from easy access to work became available and we started to make out changes.

A mere two days before we were to move into the location we received a phone call form the owner advising that we were going to be unable to move into the house on the first due to inspections needing to be done by the City of Portland before habitation could begin due to some renovation permits being requested previously for the location. So arrangements were made and I was separated from my children as of October 1st. My youngest going to his father's home on a more permanent level, my older two boys staying at their aunt's so they could continue their education in the same school and I to a friend's home. We were promised we could leave our stuff their as it should only be till the 12th of October before we could move in.

This was not to be the case because as of October 12th the City of Portland had yet to review the home and give the approval for a family to move in. Tragedy occurred shortly thereafter. Between the 12th and the 19th of OCtober while a family was still divided. The house was broken into and anything and everything of value was removed. The computer, tvs, VCR, dvd players, mixers, cds, dvds, essentially anything of value was removed and as a marking of their access beyond the violence of a busted up front door was drug paraphernalia to be viewed by young and innocent eyes. Sadly due to the move not being completed renter's insurance had not been acquired.

So a family still continues to be divided into the middle of November due to a movie in date being pushed out and pushed out some more. With the middle of November arriving comes the promise of moving in and we go to the home the weekend of only to see half finished painted walls and renovation gear all over the living room. A house yet to be completed the family leaves to go their separate ways for shelter and the waiting continues.

It is now December ands we were to have moved in about two weeks ago and were unable as I ended up in an auto accident, as a pedestrian, that has left me out of work for the last weeks and going to physical therapy in order to regain proper mobility of my back and neck. I am ever so grateful to be alive in order to see my children grow but i am sad that once again Christmas will be another failure. We are still separated to this day Santa because my physical state has left me helpless and unable to properly care for my children....but I'm hoping for Doctor's approval to return to my everyday life this Friday.

Now as to my wish Santa. I just want to spend it with my family and I don't want them to be disappointed in me due to all the craziness of the last few months. I want them to be proud of themselves for how well they handled everything and still look at me without seeing failure written across my forehead. I can't give my family much this Christmas but I can give them me. Can you make my children happy for Christmas? And can you also send positivity towards my family and friends who have helped us out this year?

Thank you for taking the time to read this with much love and respect,


PS- On a purely selfish side level can you get the insurance company to approve my disability so our bills can get paid before it gets too cold I would be much appreciated!
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