It's my party....

Jul 11, 2007 12:13

I don't think I'm going to cry though.  It has come back to that glorious time of year though. Where he heat results in  easily dropped pounds due to sweating them off because I'm too cheap to move into a location with a/c. Bah. Who needs it anyway? I have an industrial fan that blows the hot air around.  That's the stuff warrioirs are made of.....yarrrrrrrrrggh!

Its the time of year where i spend too much money on prepared food cause I do NOT want to cook. Well its that or its a lot of pb&j, tuna and egg salad sammiches.  Sammiches make me happy.  A paper towel, a couple slices of bread and what you put in the middle creates a masterpiece! Voila!  However I'm never one too turn down a good ol backyard barbeque.

It's also time for a milestone in my life. Thirty. Ya know what though?? I am actually looking forward to this. I"m done with my twenties and teh crap invovled with them and ready to move into my thirties and work towards what will be the rest of my life.  I've had my financial strains but so far I've been making it work!  I do miss my family though.  I had a brief visit right before Christmas and very little contact since.  I haven't seen my dad in who knows how long because I don't recall seeing him when I stopped in briefly....

Then again I'm getting old and my mind's been playing tricks on me!

I have a few stresses right now! Those will resolve shortly.  They aren't happy resolutions! But they are necessary under the current circumstances. Who knows?  Maybe in a couple of years if K and I are still together we'll revisit this idea.

Ok time to head back to work I only got five more minutes of glorious break to enjoy!

Ciao babies!
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