Jun 01, 2007 07:51
I'm going to buy a new bathing suit this weekend in the belief that if I keep my hopes up that the weather will get better so I can actually go swimming! This weather has been putting me in such a funk! I can't sleep (well I've always had that problem regardless of the condition of the weather haha), I've gone on a sugar binge again, and I don't go to the gym as much because I'm just too depressed by the weather! Hopefully things will get better in the long run!
So tired, don't want to go to work, can't stand my dad's assistant she's driving me insane! She got pissed off at my dad and the nerve to say "Quit being a prick!" How does some get the balls to talk to their boss like that and still have a job? I don't get how my, who's the boss, is willing to take that kind of bullshit from her, I mean I jokingly call him a goofball and he rips my head off...but his employee can call him a prick, not only that but talk shit about him behind his back to me, and constantly nag to me about him, and yet he does nothing....he says nothing, and does nothing about, some boss....more like some man he his...won't even fucking put her in his place! What a friggin sissy! I'm just glad that there weren't any patients in the waiting room when that happened! That would've been so bad cause not only would Elsa have looked like a completely unprofessional psycho but patients would view my dad as a pathetic boss. I even asked him myself..."Are you actually gonna take that from her?" And do you know what he did? He shrugged shoulders like a fucking retard! Omg what the fuck! God I fucking hate her, it's one thing to joke around and be sarcastic with your boss on a fun, jokingly level, but to get pissed off over literally nothing and him a prick, especially when his daughter is in the room is just fucking awful...she has no fucking respect for him...she talks to him like he's a fucking child...and he has the nerve to just fucking take and not defend himself or anything...they're both loser and piss me off!
I also hate the U of M still! I can't believe they still haven't posted anything for parking! I just checked like 10 minutes ago and nada! I even called yesterday and they don't even have a date set yet! They're thinking of mid June! WTF! Not only that but you now have to register over the internet! As if changing the class registration from the old simple way to Aurora wasn't bad enough but now they're gonna fuck up parking registration with this bullshit! DAMN THE U OF M! I'm so glad I'm only going for one year...let's hope I've met my requirements haha....I should call them about that soon!
As for my health problem, I saw the doctor a couple of days ago and he says everything is A.OKAY! But he gave me some medication again just to make sure everything's gone because I'm still having some symptoms that may be from this problem. But it also turns out I have a new problem which my be causing the symptoms that I thought were from the first problem, so now I have to see a dermatologist and my doctor gave me medication for this new problem so hopefully it'll work, otherwise I can breathe a sigh of relief and say I'm doing good! Woot! He also gave me birth control called Diane 35 that should help with my acne and so far it's doing pretty good my skin is much healthier looking and I'm not breaking out as much, and my skin is slowly clearing...but now if I can only stay away from sugar then my skin will be much more clear!
But on another note, things have been going good! I cut my hair, it kicks butt! Bought some new shades, been going to the gym, and have been chilling with friends. My dad paid me on Wednesday, I have money now! It's finally Friday! WOOT!