Nov 05, 2006 18:05
Why does life have to be so fucking stupid?
I bombed my tests, according to Chelsea we've all just changed, and Bryan broke up with his girlfriend because she had to be a stupid bitch and thought it would be funny to pretend to be him and say shit she just shouldn't have said, I don't know if they've worked things out though cause I haven't talked to him in the last couple of days.
Also, I think Keri might be a little mad at me, I'm not sure, I don't want to over-dramatize things like I tend to do, but we went out to a movie with Adam and Laura last night; The Grudge 2, which totally sucked. Keri had to work at 11pm. As we were leaving the movie theatre Adam had said that they were going to Silverados and if I wanted to come, and I was like hell yea! And I think Keri got a little mad about that, it didn't seem like it, even when we were at Burger King (where she works) she wasn't to fazed by it. So anyways, I go to the bar with them, have a good time, bump into people I know, and then go home. Well about an hour after I get home I get a text message from Keri (which I didn't read till 2 hours after getting the message because I had fallen asleep)saying "I hope your night was better than mine so far". I know that doesn't sound like it really means anything, but these days, with my friends, who the hell knows? Since she worked til 8am I tried sending her a txt asking what was wrong but I guess it didn't go thru of I just didn't push the send button like I thought I had, so I sent her a txt a couple of hours ago asking what was wrong, but she didn't answer. I went online, and she was online but went offline right away and her brother came on, so I'm assuming that she just left her msn on all day and night or somethin. And I'm assuming she didn't answer her text cause she's more than likely sleeping.
I don't think she's mad, but still, why would you send something like that to someone, if you weren't at at least frustrated with them? It's not my fault that she had to work, now is it?
Well anyways, I'm gonna stop being a drama queen and just stop typing.
Life's retarded.