I am just this moment excited..After four months of job searching and shelling out tons of resumes, I am going back to where I was originally and at most, happy. Timmies...on nights.
It was a long weekend, & today Clint finally got around to calling me saying the last resort is either death or rehab. And in a whirl wind of listening to Duffy's
Warwick Avenue I turned into
A Bad Dream by Keane. I have a soft spot for people that are at their lowest, its like clockwork and magnetic. Like the moon is to tide, I am a new hope to someons life. I just want to work a 40 hour week, in a job I can do well and I want to go to school to cut hair, style and relax, make-up and make people feel good about themselves, when I came into this world I never expected to change peoples lives and their vision into wanting to live again. But its the way its become.
It doesn't matter what I want, in the end I find my way, but like a social worker I get suckered in to listening and intrigued about my own helpful nature, what is wrong with me? I can't stand most people, so why do I help?
I love Clint, I have fought for this relationship for almost 4 years... I have wanted to give up and go on. But maybe keeping other people sane is what keeps me sane. This time I will come first though, no foolish choices.
So again....no matter what the signs, the constant reminder of someone before, I stay, in an illusion I see and a reality that hurts. And what is for me won't pass me by. I wait.