site hopping for wedding ideas all day

Mar 05, 2008 15:50

 I've been at my mother in laws since sunday night waiting her return from the hospital. She comes home today.

Clint stopped in last night and left around 2am, I iwsh I was on the road with him, I put in about 13hrs so far this week at placement...

Today i've been watching the trashy shows out there and made myself a wedding journal

Its fun looking at themes and locations, those wedding favours are so amusing to look at. So many ideas but I think I have found the one, in hopes that Clint likes the idea too.

Its kind of Country/Victorian theme because its outdoors its historic and is surrounded by a farm. It suits us just right.

Even though my dream theme in a day at the beach I would go with this one in a heart beat, it close in location too. It would be a 2009 wedding though.

Anyway, I think Clint is going to try and drop in before he heads to Quebec, i'll maybe do some hours tomorrow.
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