movies and domestic things

May 16, 2006 10:46

Just doing laundry and passing time away. I've been sick since I got back from the Cali trip. been home a week now. I'm so tired...

I did miscarry. In Cali way of healing was spending time in Memphis looking at the gates of Graceland, but I did not go through. Next time.....

I had an Interview last Thursday for Fred Astaire Dance studios, to train and become a dance instructor. I desire the thoughts. I am highly anticipating a call back as the interview went well and she insisted on seeing me for my resume. Fingers crossed.

I'm just trying to figure out if I want to pay monthly for this other course I want to take or to take out a financial plan and pay at the end. Its through ICS, i'm taking PI, I may stop at Mohawk and pick up a few books on other things too. Such as psychology, forensic etc

I desperately need to get my glasses tomorrow if Clints boss issues a check tomorrow that is....

Clint may go out on Friday...I have to stay because of Insurance, sorting my self out, save money and doctors appointments.

I know i'm sick right now but I cant stand this sitting around...Movies are great but not like this.

I was going to go to dance tonight and refresh my memory on Salsa and Tango but I dont want to pass this on.

Sunday for mothers day, I went with my parents to the cemetary....previous day went shopping with mum.

My Grandmother has been gone 10years, so we put flowers down and were on our way, its almost like autumn weather here right now. Chilly. I can't wait to get my skirts and heals out though.

I'm going to try and get a few things from my parents.

I've been burning dance cds and listening/watching Elvis online... I'm doing alright.
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