
Dec 16, 2006 01:00

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

It's been over two years since I've last posted on this thing. Um, wow.

I must say though, I'm proud of myself. I was reading old chat logs from two years ago, and the link to this was mentioned. I just had to re-read it. So I did, and was like, god damn, what a retard, right?

So like, I was really curious to see if I could remember the password, turns out not. So I tried to have the password sent to my old email account ( but apperantly that wasn't old enough and it didn't turn up there. Then I remembered I used to use hotmail. So I tried signing in on the email account I had in 7th grade ( but that didn't work, so then I tried reflectivelvet@hotmail. And guess what, IT WORKED!

So I had to reactivate it, then go back to livejournal and resend the lost password information. I check the inbox of hotmail again, and TA-DA. My new password has been sent to me.

I went back, changed that password to every password I use now, and now, I am here.

So um.. looking back on these entries I feel compelled to update whoever the fuck is reading this.. (like all of, um, me?) on my life.

-I'm with Spencer again. In fact, he's coming to see me tomorrow. For a week. We've waited over two and a half FUCKING YEARS and I'm going to be seeing him in less than 24 hours.
-I'm not retarded anymore. Or at least, differently.

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