Monday at school was alright, but I was like really tired and crap so it was also kind of gay. We were in Language Arts and being the fat bitch that Mrs. Stringer is she flipped out on our whole class, then finally like 15 minutes into screaming at us told us that some girl got stabbed in the eye with a pencil I was like whoa holy shit. So yeah it was hectic. After school I came home and took a shower and shortly after I was done getting ready went to the orientation meeting at was pointless for us to be there because we already know all of it from when that one lady came in. I hung out with Leena, Megan Yaldo, Toni, Alicia, Danielle, Alex, and Vicky. I got to see Spencer which was nice because I haven't seen him in what seems like foreverrrr. Yesterday at school I had my phone and then after lunch it was gone and I was like oh my freaking God I just got this phone and then at the beginning at 7th hour John Baker returned it to me :) I was so happy!!! Then Melissa came home with me and at like 7:45ish Christian came over unitl 9:15 and then right when he left we drove Melissa home. This morning I woke up and went to go lay back down because it was like 6:00 and I was gonna get up at 6:15 but my mom told me just to keep sleeping and didn't wake me back up, and I finally woke up at noon and was like okay why am I not at school again? And it turns out my mom thought I was sick because I wanted to go lay back down? Whatever. Tomorrow there's a home wrestling match//meet whatever the heck they're called and then we have dance at 8:15 and today there was a home Volleyball game but as you can tell I didn't attend, I hope all of you girls do extrodinary!!! love you all! This Saturday I hope I'm still going to the competition thing with Paige because it will be oh so much fun to hang out with her again!!!!!!!
Icons(mainly Britney Spears)...