(no subject)

Sep 04, 2005 16:38

Interesting!!! stolen from acidic_fairy

Look at your LJ "interests" list. If you have fewer than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em.
List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.

I did every 7 because i have 136... heh

Astrology - i don't go for the "this week you will..." bit, but the personalities definately

Billy Boyd - need I say more? He can do everything so well and he is a wonderful, sweet and genuine guy.

Blackadder - who cannot loff Blackadder? The history and sheer sarcasm of it all is hilarious

Chandeliers - I love these. These, to me, epitomise glamour. The bigger the better.

Clothes - ah i love clothes. fashion fascinates me but i don't live for "THAT is so yesterday" crap. I like the weirdness of some things and like to create my own style.

Drama - take this to mean what you will, but life wouldn't be complete without a little bit of drama

Egyptology - Egyptians are fascinating people... ancient egyptians. The Pyramids are one of the most complex, "how or why did they think of that?" things on earth

Ewan McGregor - loved him in Moulin Rouge, again in Star Wars and he has a fantastic Glaswegian accent

Film - obsessed with it, always interested in whats going on in it, want to know how to do the best in it, want to be involved with it. My life... it is... :S yoda

Glamour - not the magazine, the actual whole glamour - the vintage glamour, the old hollywood glamour, the recent glamour is mostly pants (have you seen what some people wear?) but the old stuff that's back "in vogue" is so wonderful.

Halloweeeeeen - ghosts, goulies, witches and devils. So much fun with the supernatural if not the most freakiest night to be alone in the dark.

John Cleese - my 2nd fave member of monty python. Fawlty Towers is genius as is he. Very funny and witty, and a long and lanky fabulous.

Little Britain - one of the funniest recent comedies I've seen and mostly because I know at least two of the characters in real life ("Eh eh ehhh" Anne, and "yeahbutnobutyeahbutnobut...." Vicky)

Men in Eyeliner - Ricky Wilson. Ewan McGregor. Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Johnny Depp. Need. I. Say More.

Moulin Rouge - visually stunning, hilarious and heartbreaking all in once. Fabulous acting, singing, dancing, the set and costumes are to die for and its one of the brightesr, biggest rollercoaster of a film i've seen and danced along to.

Patrick Moore - oh he's a sweetie. The Sky At Night is very fascinating what with the comets and new planets being found

Pirates - my name means "glamorous pirate" in my head and i love the strong characters, myths, legends, curses and whole free adventure of them.

Rob Dougan - I love his music and he has the most interesting voice. Though I prefer his instrumental versions he is a great lyricist. Quite cute too with interesting videos.

Silver - I love this colour. It's so magical and more feminine than gold which is used very often in brash and tacky jewellery that's flaunted everywhere. Silver is more subtle, serene and elegant.

Stars at night - not to be confused with "the sky at night" this is just so people didn't think i meant celeb stars in general. I love stars of the universe... glinting, a whole wide open space.... *drifts*

Victorian Dresses - I love the victorian era and the fashion is so fascinating!!!

Writing - I adore it and have done it since i was three. My first finished story was when I was 7 and I haven't finished one since lol but am in the process!


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