I know I've been neglecting this fandom shamefully, so I come bearing a Challenge and a promise to start taking a more active role in this community :D
Since May is National Masturbation Month, this month's challenge is Flying Solo - A Masturbation Fic Challenge
Your challenge is to write a fic or drabble in which Alexander or Sophie is self-indulging. May be observed by another character or not. And may include sex, but must have at least one solo act and Sophie should be no younger than 17 in this challenge for obvious reasons. This challenge is only for our 18+ members - (sorry - but you're welcome to comment to this post for a different challenge if you're too young for this challenge.) This can be canon, pre-series, AU, or wherever your mind leads you, just as long as there is masturbation in your story.
This challenge will run through midnight on June 6, 2008 when a new challenge will be issued. So there's over four weeks to try this challenge.
All fics should follow the
Fanfic Posting Rules Please comment to this post if you have any questions about the challenge :)