So, question for all you Alice fans. (spoilers ahoy, for those who haven't seen it. But for those who haven't seen it: what are you waiting for?)
When Alice steps through the Looking Glass, back to our world, what does Hatter do? Because a large amount of people (I take this from fangirling together & metas & fanfics) think he sat around & moped for a good, long time before deciding to follow her. Now, I'm one of the few people I know who truly believe the minute he saw her disappear into the Glass, he followed immediately. To me, he's all impulse. He doesn't do the mopey thing. He doesn't strike me as the type of guy who sits around & actually thinks before he makes a decision. I mean, he decides to help Alice, even if it's out of his way to do so, in a matter of minutes. (Men will do a lot for a pretty girl in a very wet dress, but when it's risking life & limb for a girl they don't know who's so obviously taken [at the time]? Most men I know won't go out of their way for that, especially when they have other responsibilities.)
So what's your head!canon? Do you think he needed to step back & see his life without her to appreciate his feelings for her? Or do you think it was instaneous, an immediate regretting of ever letting her go?
And on another fandomy note
Um. YEAH. So. I'm downloading the last ep, even though I'm barely over the penultimate one. Just--OH MY GOD.
I can't believe it's addicted me so fast. And that it causes me so much goddamn stress. Just. Seriously.
So far, the only understandable thoughts on this seems to be:
1. GODDAMMIT, WHEN ARE CONNOR & ABBY GETTING TOGETHER? And, as a part of that, I can has my own Connor?
2. ILU CUTTER. A ridiculous amount.
3. JENNY! \o/
4. Lester is such a BAMF, I can't even handle it.\
Yeah. That's--yeah. Those are the only comprehensive thoughts in me head.