Well! Now I'm a paying subscriber to Live Journal! I wanna mood theme! Anyone know where a good FMA mood theme can be had?
Oh, and how do you guys do that thing where you have different Icons on the same page. All my icon's switch at the same time.
And ooh, now I can collect a few icons -- now that I have more than 3 slots.
And how do you do a poll!
And... ok, that's enough whining for now...
In other, totally unrelated news I took a politics test and...
You are a
Social Liberal
(83% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(11% permissive)
You are best described as a:
The Politics Test on
Ok CupidAlso:
The OkCupid Dating Persona Test And hey! Something worksafe AND uplifting!
Feeling down? Depressed? Alienated?
Just Remember These Three Words