More for myself than anyone else:

Sep 17, 2005 15:54

Fics I've written to date:

1 Armor!Al + Hohenheim Hero (R) FMA Gen
2 Gifts (3 parts) (NC-17 over all) Gifts
3 Roy x Ed Cliché ficlet (Ed's first Cliché Kiss) PG Roy/Ed
4 Roy x Al Dangerous Liasons (NC-17) Roy/Al
5 Al x Ed x Roy Squick Needs (R)
6 Al x Tenticles Proving Grounds (NC-17)Misc Pairings
7 Pets (10 chapters) (NC-17) Pets
8 Slicer Brothers x Ed Prey (R)
9 Ling x Ed Photographs (NC-17) WIFE Cycle
10 Hohenheim x Al x Ed Echoes of the Dead (NC-17) Elricest
11 Ling x Ed Food Fight (PG-13) WIFE Cycle
12 Roy x Ed Crush (NC-17) Roy/Ed
13 Roy x Ed x Al Kitten (R) Misc pairings
14 Roy x Al True Age (R) Roy/Al
15 Ling x Ed Wife (NC-17) WIFE Cycle.
16 Pawns (36 chapters +Omake) R (I guess) Pawns
17 Roy x Ed Mustangs tattoo (PG-13) Drabbles (should be in Roy/Ed)
18 Roy + Ed + Al+ Armstrong Fighting pretty (G) GEN
19 Lust + Ed The Fanfic Complaints Dept. (G)
20 Al + Ed Pamphlets (PG) GEN
21 Roy + Al +Ed Such Innocence (PG)Angst
22 Roy + Ed Uncomfortable (2 parts) (PG)
23 Roy x Ed Freezing rain (PG-13) (MY FIRST FMA FANFIC!) Roy/Ed
24 Tucker x Ed Descent into Hell (R) Angst
25 Roy x Ed the Third Rule (NC-17) (MY FIRST PORN!) Contracts
26 Roy x Ed Revenge (NC-17) Contracts
27 Roy x Ed Good Clean Fun (NC-17) Contracts
28 Roy x Al Marigold (NC-17) Contracts
29 Roy x Al Betrayal (NC-17) Contracts
30 Roy x Ed x Al Roy's Turn (NC-17) Contracts
31 Crack nonogon Exhibitionism isn't cool (PG)
32 Armstrong x Havoc Family honor (NC-17) Misc Fics
33 Ed x Wrath x Envy Fatherhood (NC-17) Misc pairings
34 Ed x Tucker Too Young (PG-13)Angst
35 Ed + Havoc Cigarettes (G)Angst
36 Al x Ed with Cornello Confession (R/NC-17) Misc Fics
37 Ed x Cornello Pilgrim's Quarters (R) Misc Fics
38 Al x Ed (x Roy) Prince Albert (NC-17) Drabbles
39 Gran x Ed Ripe (R) Angst
40 Roy x Ed x Havoc (3 drabbles) (R over all)
41 Roy x Al x Ed Bondage (NC-17) Misc pairings
42 Riza The first indignity (G) HOS fics
43 Riza The second indiginity (G)
44 Armor!Al x Armstrongs Sparkles Tingle (PG) Crack
45 Scar x Ed x Al x Gatelings Convergence (R) Angst
46 Armor!Al x Ed Just washing my hands (R) Crack
47 Archer x Kimberly x Roy Revelations (NC-17) Misc Pairings
48 Ed x Al x Marcoh Off Camera (NC-17) Crack
49 Ed x Fletcher Afternoon (G/PG) Misc pairings.
50 Misc. Drabbles. (9) G-NC-17 Drabbles
51 Misc. Drabbles. (10) G- NC-17 Drabbles
52 Ed x Roy Drabbles (3) PG/R Drabbles
53 Commentary Meta thingies, like that "Magical Uke Powers Activate" thing. (4)
54 Ed x Archer USE (R) Misc pairings.

So I'm guessing if you count Gifts as 1 thing, rather than 3, and don't include the drabbles I have about 48 fics and ficlets, including 4 multiparters. Then I have another 25 Drabbles. Plus several of those Meta things, Commentaries. Whatever the hell they are. Not bad for 4 1/2 months.
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