Aug 16, 2010 23:56
My attempt at writing a one shot just past 20,000 words and it hasn't reached the climax yet. Damn you, plot!
For anyone who's curious it's Who fandom. Adam (Torchwood 2x05 monster of the episode) exists again, and this time he's determined to stay alive no matter what. Unfortunately for him, survival means meddling with Doctor's companions, and the Doctor doesn't look kindly on that. No, not one little bit. Rory and Amy become the rope in a tug of war over their affections and their future. Pairing Rory/Amy/Adam (and every combo within) with a bit of Rory/Amy/11. Slashy and hetty because why decide when you can have both.
Of course since it's me, there are freaking tons of non-con, though surprisingly most of it is in the wrelm of mental manipulation and what little isn't is strictly off camera and only vaguely described. I'll probably rate this R, but it might even be possible to bump it down to PG-13. In many ways it's similar in tone to Pawns.